Bas Les Masques : Pour le climat, effaçons la dette
— Extinction Rebellion Paris / Île-de-France (@xrParisIDF) February 27, 2023
Dans les médias :
Le média emblématique de la gauche outre-Atlantique @democracynow revient sur l'action @debtforclimate co-organisée par Attac, @xrFrance et @Youth4Climatefr devant le ministère des finances.
On continue le combat pour l'annulation des dettes des pays du Sud ✊
— Attac France (@attac_fr) March 2, 2023
Article et vidéo Le Monde Des chaînes et du sang : des militants écologistes s’enchaînent au ministère de l’économie pour effacer la dette du Sud.
Vidéo BFMTV Des militants écologistes aspergent de faux sang et s’enchaînent au ministère de l’Économie et des Finances.
Afrique du Sud
Yesterday @XRGauteng & @XrVaal handed over a letter to the German Embassy in Pretoria, SA, demanding conditionless #DebtCancellation for Global South countries.
70 years after the #LondonAgreement1953 that cut Germany's debt into half we know :#DebtForClimate is possible !
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 28, 2023
Intervention d’un activiste argentin à Berlin :
"From Latin America we denounce the illegitimate financial debts imposed on our countries by the IMF, the World Bank and the Paris Club.
We will fight to free ourselves from this financial colonialism that wants to exploit our country and our people."@OlssonJuanPablo— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 27, 2023
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the cancellation of Germany's debt, the @CADTM_int, @BelRebSci and @XR_Belgium joins the international #DebtForClimate campaign and calls for the cancellation of the illegitimate debts of the countries of the South
— Wetenschappelijke Rébellion Scientifique Belgium (@BelRebSci) February 27, 2023
We took our demand to the German consulate in São Paolo. 70 years after Germany's debt got cut by 50%, with absolutely favorable conditions for the remaining debt, we insist on #DebtForClimate for the Global South #LondonAgreement1953
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 28, 2023
.@debt4climateUg joined the #GlobalDayOfAction to demand the cancellation of the debt of the #GlobalSouth in Kampala, #Uganda.@digitaldidan :
💯 Today is a big day in history when over 50% of Germany's debts got canceled in 1953 by the London Agreement.#LondonAgreement1953— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) March 1, 2023
Yesterday @YAESYA4 were at the German Embassy in Panama City to remind 🇩🇪 of its responsibility. #LondonAgreement1953
The Global North is on a campaign of destruction against nature and against the people of the Global South. #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 28, 2023
David Jesero from #DebtForClimate Rwanda explains why we must keep our fight on the cancellation of the debt of the Global South :
"In 1953 Germany was forgiven 50% of its debt. The same gesture should be good for the #GlobalSouth countries, so we can save the rest of the money.
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 27, 2023
Today @SerbiaXr stood in front of the German embassy in #Belgrade with a clear message :
CANCEL THE DEBT NOW !They had a meeting with embassy representatives and gave them a letter to @c_lindner, Germany's Minister of Finance.#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima#LondonAgreement1953
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 27, 2023
It's crucial for this truely global campaign that Global North people make our message heard in the Global North. That's where the decisions are made, that impact each and everyone.
Here is a #DebtForClimate protest at the German-Swedish Center of Commerce in #Malmö (#Sweden).
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) March 2, 2023
How does the debt trap work ?
The @WorldBank and development banks have been promising for decades that debt enables poorer countries to get rich - in their terms - particularly by fueling the South's trade with the North.
📸 @Debt4ClimateCH protest at the worldbank in Geneva.
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 27, 2023
1/3 #DebtForClimate #Tanzania organized an action yesterday at the Dar es Salaam Peninsula to ask @c_lindner to fulfill his promise to call for the cancellation of the illegitimate financial debts of the #GlobalSouth
Thread👇🧵— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 28, 2023
#DebtForClimate protest in Zambia !
Let's talk about climate and neocolonial debt of @IMFNews and @WorldBank.
The debt is with the people and the earth they continue to exploit.Financial debt they hold is illegitimate :
— Debt for Climate (@DebtforClimate) February 27, 2023
Debt4climateSA @Debt4ClimateCH @DebtforClimate @debtjustice @DebtxClimateFin @debt4climateUg @DebtClimate @debt4climaterw @c_lindner Are you listening ? #cancelthedebt
— Debt For Climate Zambia (@DebtClimate) February 27, 2023