Press conference « For a veritable European financial transaction tax »

lundi 10 février 2014, par Attac France

February 12th at 4PM - Press room of the European Parliament

with Dominique Plihon (Attac), Alexandre Naulot (Oxfam), Bernadette Ségol (ETUC), Peter Wahl (German coalition for FTT), Isabelle Thomas, Liem Hoang Ngoc et Udo Bullman (PES), Sven Giegold (Greens), MC Vergiat (GUE/NGL).

The German and French coalition, with the support of Greens, GUE and PES MEPs, will analyse the current stakes of the negociations between France and Germany on the issue of FTT. A meeting will be held on February 19th at the Elysée to make the common French-German position on FTT.

The draft for a European financial transaction tax has been adopted in June 2012 by 11 countries including France and Germany through an enhanced cooperation. After a decade of mobilization of the civil society, we are now at the time of political decision. Will the tax cover all assets classes of financial instruments, as Germany and the European Commission wish ? Will its product be used to finance international solidarity as France pushes forward ?

NGOs and German, French and European trade unions will push for it but will express their concerns face to the pressure of the financial lobby, which wants to drastically reduce the scope of the tax.

For accreditation and information : +33 (0)633401688

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